My online friend, J. of
Nap Lover tagged me for a meme, so here I am to tell you about it!
Here are the rules:
Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about
themselves. Those tagged need to write in their
blogs the 7 facts, as well as the rules of the game. You need
to tag seven others and list their names on your blog.
You have to leave those you plan on tagging a note in
their comments so they know that they have been tagged
and to read your blog.
I think I am fairly random in general so this shouldn't be hard:
1) I love Five Guys Burgers and Fries. This is a former Washingtonian thing, though they now have a location near me. These are the best burgers on the Earth and if you have never had them, get your hiney there and get one. Unless of course you have a peanut allergy in which case it's a no go because they serve unlimited peanuts while you wait. I had one yesterday on my way back from DC (I went to the rally in DC where my grandfather was speaking,
lots more on this later) and it was so fantastic I almost had a second.
2) I speak pretty good French, decent Italian and I can read and understand Greek though I am often uncomfortable speaking it with my friends who really speak it.
3) I am addicted to peanut butter and chocolate together. No, really. I should enter treatment because I think that at some point this is going to send me into a diabetic state. One of my favorite snacks is fat free chocolate Jell-o pudding with a scoopful of peanut butter. Obviously the peanut butter cancels out the fat free pudding.
4) I am from an enormous Greek family. I'm third generation born in this country which is getting a little less rare, but still not the norm. We're crazy close, and yes the movie is all true, however they left out
a lot of the truly weird stuff in the interest of time. . . not weird to us because we're living it, but weird to everyone else, especially those not from an ethnic family.
5) My favorite color is purple. It hasn't changed since I was a little girl and I surround myself with it. My garden is full of it (highlighted by shades of pink). I wear it a lot. I dye yarn with it a lot. It's my go-to happy color.
6) My husband and I are 21 years apart. No, I'm not a trophy wife. No, I didn't take him from several kids and an ex-wife. No, he has no other children that we are aware of. And yes, people have actually asked me these questions within finding out this nugget and only knowing me for five seconds.
7) I have hardly watched the news in the last two weeks, which, if you read the blog on a regular basis, you know this is crazy for me. Not sure why, but I just can't hear the depressing stuff right now. Just can't take it at this juncture.
And here are the people I am tagging:
LindaLauraLarjmarjHollyarnsRebeccaCarrieSock Pr0nThey are all great blogs you should read!