Saturday, December 23, 2006

Thank You's

I owe Linda an enormous debt of gratitude. And so here it is, THANK YOU LINDA! Yesterday, she came over with the kids so our kids could have a playdate and she picked up over 100 stitches for me on DH's sweater. We all know how much I love to pick up stitches. And she showed me how much easier it is to do this with a crochet hook. In addition, when I completely screwed up on the collar she was kind enough to then TINK (for those of you who do not know, it's knit spelled backwards, which means to un-knit what you just screwed up), probably around 400 stitches for me. All while I was working on the sleeve. Regarding the sleeve, I've done all of the increases and just have to finish in the 3 x 1 rib for the rest of it. I hope you will go look at her website as she knitted a Christmas stocking that is to die for. And all for someone she kind of knows. Linda is a gem.

Now, as much as I would like to stay and chat, I have a sweater to finish. Oh, and ignore any typos, blogger's spellcheck has been screwy for days.


aija said...

Yay for super special knitting friends :) Sending you sweater vibes...

Larjmarj said...

Always good to have a knitting Yoda to help us out of those holes that we knit ourselves in to.

Holly in CT said...

Friends don't let friends tink or struggle with knitting (especially deadline type knitting) alone. Hurray for all the kind knitting friends who generously give of their time and guidance and Eleni that includes YOU!