Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Previous knitting

Over the next few days, I thought I would put up a few posts of some of the knitting I've done over the pat couple of years (okay, okay, it's a little showing off, but it's better than all text). The scarf in this pic is one I am especially proud of this one, because I had to rip it out at least three times before I got it just how I wanted it. This pattern for those of you interested is available on Knitty and it's called Loopy and Luscious. I did it in different colors obviously, but I am working on a second one in the colors pictured at Knitty.

Interestingly enough there are a bunch of similar patterns in the Mason-Dixonbook. So, if you are interested, there are a ton of variations to try.

I call it lazy girl's lace, cause you get the idea of lace without doing lace. It's all knit and purl on really big needles with two vastly different yarns. Pretty cool and fun.

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